Saturday, July 24, 2010

Je ne comprends pas.

Today, we went to Honfleur. That's the town where Samuel D. Champlain sailed from to found Quebec. It's super cute and has lots of tiny stores and boutiques. We got there in time for the market, so I found lots of wonderful things for my friends and family. Get excited! After walking around for a few hours, we went on a boat tour. You should all know that I get motion sick, so the boat ride was not enjoyable at all. We left the town right after the boat ride, and Madame Haskett refused to open the window in the minibus because she didn't want her hair to get windblown. I nicely proposed to her that it was either going to be the wind or my vomit in her hair. She then gladly opened in the window.

Last night I went to the town council meeting. It was three hours long. Rachelle, Daniele, and I sat on a 90 degree angle wooden bench the entire time. We tried to pay attention, but it was kind of hard to understand what was going on. I ended up writing seven poems during the night, and I've decided to share one with you all.

"Je ne comprends pas"
je ne comprends pas
c'est toujours comme ca
ils parlent trop vite
i can't stand the heat

get out of the kitchen!

if it's too loud
you're too old

je ne comprends pas
they didn't win, the Pays-Bas
it's a rather large shame
soccer's a stupid game

Be aggressive
B.E. aggressive!

nintendo off
friendship over

Don't judge me. If you were sitting in a 90 degree room with 19 angry French town council members for three straight hours, you would have written horrible poems too. Chip, maybe we can incorporate this into my poetry this year?


  1. Only if you can incorporate a reference to Meatloaf (I guess you could have already done that in the French section). :)

    Hope you're having fun, kid (apart from the nausea and boredom)

  2. Breezey, the phrase is:

    Intendo Off!!!

    Get it right next time, please.

  3. Gah! I thought it was Nintendo! So sorry big sister.
